Nobody wants to think of a heart attack. This is the boogey man who causes more deaths worldwide than any other disease. In the U.S. alone there are 1.2 million heart attacks each year somewhere around 25% to 30% end in fatality. About 20% of people die before they reach medical care. So why would we want to think about such a depressing subject? The answer is simple: The more you know and act on what you know, the less likely you will fall victim to this condition. You can now access a program, your chances to reduce a heart attack
We have known for years that smoking causes heart disease and promote heart attacks. It seems that the components of cigarette smoke damage to complex and sensitive cells, the blood vessels. This "endothelial" cells, of course, the line of the coronary arteries, the blood and oxygen supply to the individual cells of the heart muscle and the electrical conductivity cells. Smoke damage arteries throughout the body, allowing the heart to work harder to pump blood to other arteries. The hardest pumps can cause high blood pressure, which damages the heart itself. It's like a cycle of one bad thing led to another and then works its way around again to cause other effects bad.
We know that too much of a certain fatty substance called cholesterol damages the arteries and heart. This is done by filing in all arteries of the body such as sludge in a pipe. Since cholesterol is "mud" increases, reduces the inner diameter of the artery (lumen). The artery is fragile, as the mechanism of smooth and angular distribution that distributes the energy of the heart through the body. The event is really devastating to the heart is, if one of these cholesterol deposits caused fractures and bleeding and a clot forms in a coronary artery. These clots can block all the fast flow in the artery and blood flow to the heart muscle is supplied by the particular blood vessel to stop. When heart cells deprived of oxygen and blood, they begin to die, and that is what we call a "heart attack".
So what can we do that cholesterol? Well, that's one thing to investigate family medical history. Some members have heart attacks or strokes or have early traffic problems that have caused an amputation? Most of our cholesterol is measured simply through inheritance. Either too much or can not we get rid of enough. A second thing we can really do, our cholesterol levels by 21 years, and then checked again at the physical examination later, when it encountered a problem. We can "smart heart" on a set diet, avoiding excessive consumption of animal fats and fibrin in much of our daily diet. A recurring theme in the predictive maintenance of his heart is regular exercise. It helps the cholesterol. It strengthens the heart and helps repair damage to endothelial cells of blood vessels.
Sometimes these self-care activities, wear it, maybe enough to get the level of cholesterol at a healthy level. What we want to see what the total cholesterol below 180, LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) less than 100 and HDL (cholesterol, "good) over 40 There are two ways to medically For this is. One way, a drug that sequestering cholesterol in the intestine blocks the absorption. Another way to drugs that cause the body to produce less cholesterol, mainly to give the liver is to prescribe. The body has its own cholesterol. It is not by blood vessels or their food . HDL removes cholesterol from the blood vessels and back to the liver for destruction Your doctor may watch your cholesterol profile and prescribe the right medication to achieve this goal.
And how it all works together with a discussion of heart attack? We discussed the importance of the exit is, not smoking your risk of heart attack by 50% decrease in just one year, if you were a smoker. We know that exercise reduces a number of factors in the development of a heart attack. We know that to have perfect cholesterol levels and lowers the risk of heart attack. And we mentioned that a heart attack if a coronary artery is blocked and the heart cells driven by the stress and begin to die occurs.
As it is a heart attack? This may be the same symptoms in men and women, but women often have a different pattern of symptoms. A common complaint is pain of the press under the breastbone. It may radiate, or actually be felt in the shoulder, arm, neck, jaw or left. It can be pronounced shortness of breath or fatigue, which is especially common in women. It may be a delusion or dizziness due to decreased blood flow to the brain after the heart attack. It can cause nausea or pain near the stomach. It is not unusual for a victim of a heart attack in a plentiful sweat break out or ashen skin color due to low blood pressure. If these symptoms occur in their extremes, the diagnosis of heart attack is very simple. However, if they are subtle or different, it can handle complex medical tests, and a very competent physician for medical diagnosis.
So what's the message? Part of it is to be aware of where we live, at the risk scale attack. The symptoms described above, in a mature-aged and older men who are overweight and a smoker has certainly never sends an alarm message. But other people apparently a heart attack, too. So if you or someone else suffer from these symptoms, and there is no apparent reason, "Hang up and call 911!" Get someone to early medical treatment is the most important factor for the survival and return to a satisfactory quality of life.
Pay attention to your heart. Keep it never hold it for granted. Have the daily maintenance, you would if it parked a Rolls Royce in the garage, and more were. Your heart is basically limited and allows your engine or what you do or you want to do every minute of your life.
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